Today we are welcoming a new contributor to the site so please give a warm welcome to Gormag! ...
40kAnvil IndustryForge WorldGreen StuffMartokMinotaursModellingPlasticardSpace MarinesWarhammer 40000WIP
WIP - Minotaurs Sergeant 25/10/12
10:32 / BY Martok
So we still do not have any pictures of the promised Word Bearers paint in progress as they are having some delicate work done. When they are ready for decent pictures we will be putting them up. For now the last Tactical Squad Sergeant of Martoks Minotaurs. ...
40kAnvil IndustryForge WorldGreen StuffMartokMinotaursModellingPlasticardSpace MarinesWarhammer 40000WIP
WIP - Minotaurs Sergeant 3 15/10/12
14:50 / BY Martok
Hi guys! Well we promised Word Bearers with paint but Martok has instead given us a look at his third Minotaur Sergeant. ...
40kAnvil IndustryForge WorldGreen StuffMartokMinotaursModellingPlasticardSpace MarinesWarhammer 40000WIP
WIP - Minotaurs Sergeant 2 13/10/12
13:57 / BY Martok
As we head into the weekend Martok is still slaving away on the Minotaurs. Take a look at what he has for us this time. ...
40kAnvil IndustryForge WorldGreen StuffMartokMinotaursModellingPlasticardSpace MarinesWarhammer 40000WIP
WIP - Minotaurs Combat Squad 1 11/10/12
17:08 / BY Martok
Here we are on a dreary Thursday afternoon with some progress on Martok's Minotaurs to get us through! ...
To kick off Bloody Dice each contributer has put together a short article to let you know who we are and why we love the tabletop games we play. ...