
Horus Heresy - Sons of Horus

15:01 / BY Martok
Martok is back to further discuss his Heresy project which seems to have changed allegiances? ...

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WIP - Necron Royal Court

12:01 / BY Martok
More Necrons from Martok as he expands upon his last post going from a Cryptek to other members of his Royal Court. ...

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WIP - Dark Apostle

12:01 / BY Martok
After making some adjustments Martok has his Dark Apostle ready for paint. Soon he can get on with leading the Word Bearers to war. ...

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WIP - Necron Cryptek

14:40 / BY Martok
Martok is finally showing us something from his Necron project. Here he is to explain his conversion of a Necron Cryptek ...

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eBay - Bike army action closes Sunday

20:00 / BY Martok
Martok's eBay auctions for his Bike army will close on Sunday. If you want a model built painted and based at a reasonable price take a look here ...

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WIP - Word Bearer Bikers

12:00 / BY Martok
Martok Continues his work with the Sons of Lorgar. This time with a hefty chunk of bikers/cavalry. ...

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Horus Heresy - Emperor's Children

12:25 / BY Martok
A theme may be starting on BLOODYdice as some of us start work on our Heresy armies. Martok is here to take us through his first efforts for the Emperor's Children ...

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Showcase - Escalation 2012

12:56 / BY Martok
Earlier than expected Martok has put together a few pictures he took while at Bracknell Forest Gamers Escalation 2012. ...

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Tournament - Escalation 2012

12:25 / BY Martok
Martok is here to run us through his tournament experience from Saturday and Bracknell Forest Gamers Escalation 2012. ...

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Hobby - First Painted Minotaur Marine (16/11/12)

15:00 / BY Martok
It has been a little while since we saw an update regarding Martok's Minotaurs and it appears he has not been idle with them. ...

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News - Batman from knight Models (15/11/12)

21:50 / BY Martok
Martok has been following the sneak peeks Knight Models have been showing for their New Arkham City tabletop game and he decided he had to share their most recent news. ...

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Tournament - Preparing for Escalation 2012 (15/11/12)

15:00 / BY Martok
Martok is off to a local tournament at the Bracknell Forest Gamers club. He has his list written and will be taking us through his thoughts on Escalation style list building. ...

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Hobby - Daemonic Thunder Wolves (14/11/12)

22:37 / BY Martok
With the Escalation tournament only a few days away Martok has just made the finishing touches to the army he will be taking. ...

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eBay - Space marine Bike Army broken up for sale (13/11/12)

17:30 / BY Martok
Martok is looking to sell off some of his old projects to fund all of his new projects. As such here he is to explain his latest eBay auctions. ...

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PIP - Grey Knight Stormraven

21:03 / BY Unknown
Today we have the pleasure of Lucifer's first hobby article where he takes us through the techniques he has used to paint his new Storm Raven. Enjoy. ...

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Battle Report - Grey Knights vs Space Wolves 2K (11/11/12)

16:32 / BY Martok
After taking a weeks holiday, Martok came back and was ready to thrown down some dice against Lucifer. Here is Martok to take us through the game (with some comments added by Lucifer). ...

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PIP - Minotaurs (02/11/12)

10:22 / BY Martok
Well now that Lucifer has introduced himself we have all of our contributors ready to go. I hope you have all welcomed him to the fold and look forward to his Nurgley treats. In the meantime Martok has some better pictures of his Minotaurs to show off. ...

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Introduction: Lucifer

08:18 / BY Unknown
Hey guys Lucifer here, Thought it was about time I introduced myself - especially since both Martok and Gormag have done so already! I have been playing 40k for about 10 years or so - ever since I discovered Martok had a huge collection at his disposal really. Those were the days when we flew free and easy with the rules (we really...

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WIP - Word Bearers (01/11/12)

10:14 / BY Martok
Martok has finally delivered some pictures of the WIP Word Bearers that have been long promised to us. Behold the sons of the Urizen. ...

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