
WIP - 40k Campaign

12:00 / BY Martok
Myself and the guys from the FLGS have been working on a Campaign for Warhammer 40,000. At this time it is just the rules as we are planning a Tale of X Gamers so we can develop the fluff as we develop the armies. ...

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PIP - Necron Vehicles

10:30 / BY Martok
Still no showcase for these guys yet but as they get closer to completion I have some more to show you as I finish things off. I can now announce that the army is 100% for Throne of Blades this weekend. ...

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PIP - Destroyer Lord Wraith Conversion

11:59 / BY Martok
I promised an Army Showcase for my Necrons this week. Alas it is not yet complete. However, it is painfully close. All that is left is my Necron Destroyer Lord Wraith Conversion. The almost complete model is after the jump. ...

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WIP - Basing Necrons

11:07 / BY Martok
With the Throne of Blades Tournament just over a week away I have been trying to finish off the army I am taking. I am currently basing the Necron army.  ...

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Tournament - Vanquish warmup at Promethean Games

10:38 / BY Martok
As we have arranged for ten of us from the FLGS to go to Vanquish the owners decided we should have a warm up as well as getting some people who cannot make it to Vanquish involved. Details after the jump. ...

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WIP - Necron Destroyer Lord Wraith Conversion

10:55 / BY Martok
I showed a quick sneak peek of this Destroyer Lord Wraith conversion the other day but I managed to get some better pictures. ...

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Showcase - The Protectorate of Menoth

11:03 / BY Martok
I have been collecting a Protectorate of Menoth army for a few years now. It is slowly creeping towards the 50pt mark and I have a number of Cleanser units waiting for paint so keep an eye out for them on the blog soon. ...

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WIP - Primarch Angron

12:57 / BY Martok
My buddy Joel from PaintMyBits is at it again this time working on a commission of the Primarch Angron. This post shall run you through some of the stages he has gone through in the painting process.  ...

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Tournament - Throne of Blades 2013

10:59 / BY Martok
On the 2nd of March I shall be heading up to Stafford to take part in Throne of Blades 2013. I have been warned this will be a truly competitive environment and I have been preparing a list that can allow me to represent. Read on for the list. ...

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News - Da Mekshop Blog

11:15 / BY Martok
Ains1 from the FLGS has started a Blog called Da Mekshop to track his Ork armies build. Above you can see a looted tank in progress with a whole host of little details like Grots manning the sponsons. I love these little features and it is one of the great things about Ork armies. So follow the link and check his blog out! http://damekshop.wordpress.com/ ...

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WIP - Necron Ghost Ark Conversion

10:56 / BY Martok
I have been working on the Necrons to get them ready for some tournaments in March. One of the last things to paint in the list has been the Ghost Ark. I decided that I really hate the idea of robots piloting robots so I have removed all pilots in the Necron vehicles. Read on for more ...

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eBay - Large Scale Ultramarine

11:08 / BY Martok
The eBay auction for Joel's large scale Ultramarine finishes today so if anyone was considering this get bidding here before it is too late! ...

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News - James Wappel's Painting Pyramid Kickstarter

10:57 / BY Martok
Today we have another Kickstarter that I am backing. James Wappel is an exceptional painter who has a blog here ...

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WIP - Necron Aristocrats

11:02 / BY Martok
The Blog has been pretty quiet recently as I have been feverishly plugging away at the Necrons. They are almost done and I shall put up a showcase when they are but for now I am working on the last few models needed (due to certain list changes for particular tournaments). Above is a  Destroyer Lord conversion to lead my Wraiths at Throne...

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Showcase - Large Scale Ultramarine

11:01 / BY Martok
Joel a friend from the FLGS has been working on a 1/16th scale Ultramarine for awhile now and has finally finished him off and put him on eBay. See the process he went through after the jump. ...

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