I take a royal court usually consisting of a Veilt Cryptek, Voltaic Staff Cryptek and an Abyssal Staff Cryptek. These add a variety of tactics and specialist weapons that can be distributed as appropriate throughout the army. ...
My friends Fallen Angel army is still in need of a lot more paint and the need to be ready for Bristol Vanguards Vanquish 2013 in a like a week and a half. So he has handed me some to work on. This time some Obliterators. ...
Next up in the Necron Showcase is Vargard Obyron. One of the few units in the entire codex that can take a power weapon attack and then fight back like a monster. ...
Another Fallen Angel I am painting up for my friend. This time Abaddon. Keep in mind this army is Nurgle themed so the scheme reflects that. ...
Here is the usual warlord for my army Nemesor Zandrekh. Again some OSL work and this time some experimentation with the metallics. ...
For quite some time I have been stockpiling some resin to be used for a Horus Heresy Blood Angels army. Now I have started them it is great fun to cherry pick out of all the FW goodies! ...
A friend from the FLGS wanted some count as characters made for his Fallen Dark Angel army which uses the Chaos Space Marine Codex. I offered to do these for him and first up is a Typhus conversion. ...
Now my Necron army is finally finished and ready for upcoming tournaments I have been able to get the camera out and get some half decent photos. In this post I shall be showing off the Necron Destroyer Lord converted with parts from the Necron Wraith kit. ...
Last night was the first club night of BattleUX. Myself and some of the guys from the FLGS went along to join in the fun playing some games and chatting with some fellow hobbyists over a beer. ...
Once again I have changed my mind regarding a Horus Heresy army. I think I am now set on the the Blood Angels and I have finally put paint to model. First off is a Contemptor Dreadnought with all the guns, a pair of Kheres Assault Cannons and a Cyclone Missile Launcher. ...