
Showcase - Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnought

11:00 / BY Martok
My buddy Joel is at it again. His next eBay piece is up for sale this time an Imperial Fists Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (<- That is a mouth full). ...

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WIP - Horus Heresy Blood Angels

11:41 / BY Martok
   Myself and a group of other gamers from the FLGS are starting a Tale of X Gamers motivational army challenge as of the 1/5/13. I shall be explaining this further on Monday (which will sort of be the unofficial starting date) but I had already been working on some models and wanted to get them ready for the start date so today I have a...

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Showcase - Necron Doom Scythe

11:00 / BY Martok
I only have a couple more models in this Necron Army Showcase to cover and we are still in the Heavy Support section. This time I am showing you all the Necron Doom Scythe. ...

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Showcase - Necron Annihilation Barges

11:27 / BY Martok
The Necron army Showcase continues!!! This time a two for one with both of the Annihilation Barges. ...

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Showcase - Necron Ghost Ark

11:00 / BY Martok
Now the Necron Army Showcase gets to the vehicles. First up we have the Ghost Ark. This thing can eat a lot of firepower and still get my Warriors where they need to be. ...

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Tournament - Bristol Vanguard's Vanquish 2013

11:00 / BY Martok
On Friday we packed up and departed with the boys from Promethean Games for Bristol Vanguard's Vanquish Tournament 2013. We decided to head up early and check out the Vanguard Wargaming store. I must say we were very impressed. Up top you can see Renegade giving a cheeky grin before we start a game with Lucif3r and another buddy setting up beside our board....

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Showcase - Necron Canoptek Wraiths

11:00 / BY Martok
Now the Showcase gets to the creepy space roaches Necron Canoptek Wraiths. One of my favorite units in the army. ...

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eBay - Assorted Painted Space Marines for Sale

11:00 / BY Martok
Last few models up for sale from these armies. The auctions close this evening so take a look and make a bid :) - Martok ...

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PIP - Horus Heresy Blood Angel Sergeant

11:00 / BY Martok
My journey towards a Horus Heresy Era army has been a long a winding one. Thus far I have thrown together test models for almost every legion in my search for something that I am happy with. Finally I have settled on the Blood Angels and this post covers the painting progress of my test model. ...

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Showcase - Necron Immortals

11:22 / BY Martok
This Showcase covers the other half of the troops section with some Immortals. These guys provide some more reliable shooting and survivability over my Warriors and always pull their weight. ...

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PIP - Dark Eldar Sybarite (Test Model)

11:00 / BY Martok
I am working on a Dark Eldar army idea at the moment. The theory is that the Kabal is almost a Knightly order. Lots of standard Dark Eldar Machiavellian goings on but with a code of honor holding it up. However, I am really struggling to find a theme and color scheme that really complement this. Above is my Dark Eldar Warrior Sybarite who is a test model for...

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Showcase - Necron Warriors

11:00 / BY Martok
With the Necron army Showcase rolling on we are now up to the troops section. This time we take a look at the warriors. There are 30 in the army but we shall take a look at one to see the painting approach taken. ...

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