
PIP - Night Lords Warp Talon

11:00 / BY Martok
I am working on a side project at the moment which will be going up on eBay when it is done. I have wanted to try my hand at the Night Lords scheme for quite some time to see how easy it is to do... it has actually turned out a great deal easier than I had expected. This is bad because now...

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eBay - Imperial Fists Pedro Kantor Conversion

11:00 / BY Martok
Joel from PaintMyBits has an auction on eBay at the moment. He is selling off this Imperial Fists, Pedro Kantor Conversion here. ...

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PIP - Forgefiend and Heldrake for the Word Bearers

11:14 / BY Martok
I have been working hard to try and get the Word Bearers finished. In the hopes of finishing a big chunk in one go I was working on both of my Daemon Engines at the same time. It is worth noting that these are not the official kits for the Forgefiend or for the Heldrake.... I felt that Word Bearers were unlikely to...

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WIP - Fixing up the man cave

11:00 / BY Martok
My weekend was spent sifting through boxes of models and bags of bits in a bid to clear up my hobby work space in an effort to make it more efficient. It was not the best way to spend a hot weekend but it was successful nonetheless. I got myself this double tool box with all my casting stuff in the bottom one...

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Campaign - Mordheim 2013 Week 6

11:00 / BY Martok
The campaign at my FLGS is nearing the end. If you want to know more details about the campaign are available on their Facebook Page.  This week I managed to continue my new tactic of cowardice and survival :) After losing so much of my warband in vainglory at the beginning I have resolved to try me best to not hand out easy XP to the...

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News - Inq28 goes official?

11:30 / BY Martok
I read this yesterday. Very exciting stuff. Have a read and then I shall share my hopes for this: From Blood of Kittens: Warhammer 40k: Inquisition  Inquisition is designed for 2-4 players and each side will use custom cards and dice. Army sizes consist of about 5-10 models per side. A whole new set of models drawn from Blanche artwork will accompany. The game...

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News - The Bolter and Chainsword Forum needs you!

11:00 / BY Martok
The long running forum the Bolter and Chainsword has ran into some issues with their servers and are down until they can afford to replace them. This really is sad news as this forum has been a reliable hub for the Space Marine hobby community and recently they have even opened the forum to other forces due to allies etc. To me this...

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Showcase - Angron by PaintMyBits

11:00 / BY Martok
More work to show you all by my buddy Joel from PaintMyBits. I actually shared a WIP post some time ago but just received some Showcase pics of Angron the Red Angel, Primarch of the World Eaters to share. This was a commission piece for one of the regulars at the FLGS and it is worth noting that Joel is currently available for commission....

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eBay - Blood Angels

11:00 / BY Martok
My FLGS Promethean Games offer a trade in service for old and unloved models. To sell these old armies to the masses to be loved again they have setup an eBay store here. One such army that they have taken in to be resold is my converted Blood Angels army.  This army served me for a long time and is pretty large. Take...

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WIP - Large Scale Ultramarines 4th Company Sergeant

11:00 / BY Martok
Joel from Paintmybits is smashing out another commission piece. This is a large scale Space Marine much like his previous Captain commission. This time, however, he is working on a Space Marine Captain from Uriel Ventris' 4th Company! Some WIP shots below. ...

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Campaign - Mordheim 2013 Week 5

12:30 / BY Martok
The campaign at my FLGS continues. If you want to know more details about the campaign are available on their Facebook Page.  I only managed to get one game in this week due to nurgles rot and work getting in the way. This post has a few pics from that game and then my next installment of fluff. ...

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Showcase - Horus Heresy Blood Angels Tactical Squad

11:00 / BY Martok
My Blood Angels now have the first half of the first Tactical Squad. A combat squad ready to fight equipped for use with the BA's Codex. If I ever have a game against someone using Betrayal rules I shall build a few spare models to fill out the Tactical Squads. ...

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Showcase - Horus Heresy Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought

11:00 / BY Martok
This guy is finally finished. He needs his loin cloth added but I have decided to resculpt that so it will be added whenever it is complete. Check out the Horus Heresy Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought Showcase. ...

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eBay - PaintMyBits studio Imperial Fists

11:00 / BY Martok
Joel from Paintmybits has put his Imperial Fists up on eBay recently and can be found here. ...

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Tournament - Warmahordes Steamroller Doubles 2013

11:00 / BY Unknown
Hi boys and girls, well it was a long Saturday at the doubles Warmahordes tournament. I would firstly like to say how smoothly the day went, I have been to a lot of tournaments over the years, and this was my first Warmachine event, but it will not be my last. The Heavy Brigade Club in Thatcham did a fantastic job, more details...

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Campaign - Mordheim 2013 Week 4

11:00 / BY Martok
The campaign at my FLGS  is thriving with the shop having moved into a larger unit and even talk of a custom board. Further details about the campaign are available on their Facebook Page.  For now take a look at my PIP Warband and then my next installment of fluff. ...

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PIP - Word Bearers Chaos Lord

13:30 / BY Martok
My planned post for today covering the Mordheim campaign suffered some technical issues (rubbish photos..). Instead here is the progress on my Word Bearers Chaos Lord. Ignore some of the shiney bits these will be purged with a satin varnish at the end. ...

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