I have been working really hard on this model to try and distinguish it from the original sculpt. Recently I started the GS work on the cape which has been quite the mission to get through. First time trying something like it and there were some complex lines to try to sculpt around. Needless to say this guy is taking ages.. ...
I have the Chaos Lord above as well as the Dark Vengeance chosen on eBay right now here. You can find the Eldar models I have for sale in the same place. ...
I am planning on trying my hand at an Armies on Parade entry for next year. The idea is based around the epic Space Battle during the Badab War where the Minotaurs chapter almost annihilated the Lamenters. The actual display will be a hanger bay on board the Lamenters Battle Barge with the Minotaurs boarding in force. This means I will need to...
I have started work on a mock up for my Minotaurs Assault Marines. At this point everything is just tacked together with parts still to clean and modelling work still to go. However, as a proof of concept this guy is about right. ...
I have been working on my Horus Heresy Blood Angels again. This time taking a crack at the wonderful Praetor model from Forge World. ...
A rare feature today. i have been working on terrain! I have had some bits and pieces stashed away for terrain and I finally took the plunge and started throwing them together. I thought I would start brave and try to build something big. My thinking on this is that I would run into every issue possible and thus learn a lot more...
I was contacted by Lee from Talk Wargaming the other day about a new blog network he was setting up. After hearing his idea I was more than happy to join in. Instead of explaining his thoughts in my own words I shall quote him: The Talk Wargaming Blog Network differs from the rest as you don't simple place an image on your...
After Mondays post showing off my new Tech bases I decided I should make a tutorial while making the second batch. ...