
Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight Swordsmen Unit Review

12:00 / BY Unknown
Greetings universe, this is the first article in what I hope will be a constructive series of unit reviews for Warmachine and Hordes. I am going to start off with one of the force I know the best, Legion of Everblight, and decided to start with the unit I never play without, Swordsmen. ...

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Workbench - This Weekends Activity

12:00 / BY Martok
Actual hobby progress has been light this weekend. This is due to having been working on moulds for the hammers I showed off last week. The above will be my Minotaur Terminator Sergeants hammer... its epic. However, I have been wrestling with some quality issues and some mould lines that are pretty nasty. It is getting better but I am taking some time...

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WIP - Minotaur Thunder Hammer Cast

12:00 / BY Martok
I have had a battle with the mould for this during the week. Two moulds later and I am finally casting. Still some tidy up needed and maybe a few alterations to the mould but as I only need 5 it isn't too much hassle. It seems bigger now... I am considering a double sided hammer for the sergeant. Does this sound like...

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Warmahordes - Learning to use Bethayne for the Legion of Everblight

12:00 / BY Unknown
Greetings, I'm back again. This time to let everyone know my success and failings using a new Warlock. I have played Thagrosh for a very long time and had never really considered using another caster. After realising this I put on my brave hat and decided to take the plunge, I am going play with a new caster. This was a daunting decision...

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WIP - Minotaur Thunder Hammer

12:00 / BY Martok
My Minotuars army will have a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield equipped squad of Terminators. These guys will be Asterion Moloc's personal bodyguard and as such I wanted them to be absolute beasts. They needed to be bigger and meaner than your regular Terminator. One of the first things I could think of was to give them some seriously heavy weapons. These guys...

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eBay - Carcharodons

11:00 / BY Martok
A friend picked up a Carcharodon army awhile back and is now auctioning it here. I thought I should share it with you all as there are some absolute bargains still up for the taking. After the jump see my selection of the best models. ...

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WIP - Detailing the Refinery Terrain

11:00 / BY Martok
Finally I have broken the back of this beast. After fighting with different ideas for the smoke stack sockets I ended up adding plasticard trim, this was then attached with a mix of superglue and plastic glue. It is now rock solid. ...

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