
Hobby - Minotaurs get Bronzed

11:00 / BY Martok
Work on the Minotaur army painting continues. I have now finished most of the airbrush stages. Bronze coat through to Silver/Gold zenithal highlights have been applied and now I am working on getting the idiosyncratic Bronze back by applying a number of washes. ...

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Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight Scather Crew Unit Review

12:00 / BY Unknown
Back again for another week, and this time I'm going to look that I haven't used yet, but after looking at the rules I think I may be fielding very soon (as long as the boss approves of the purchase(Martok - For once this isn't me but SWMBO)), the Blighted Nyss Scather Crew. ...

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Hobby - Minotaurs get an undercoat

14:00 / BY Martok
Although I was hoping to get paint started yesterday I underestimated the amount of fiddly finishing touches that were still needed. I also totally forgot I needed a Librarian.. luckily I had the parts on hand to build the guy above. However, I am now at the point to start painting the infantry although I shall have to do the weapons later when...

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Hobby - Operation get the Minotaurs ready for paint is a go!

12:00 / BY Martok
I have booked the next week off of work so I can have a geek holiday. I have rearranged the office to make it easier to mess with multiple tasks at the same time and with this I am hoping to make some really significant progress on my Minotaur army. ...

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Tutorial - Painting and Weathering Urban Bases

11:00 / BY Martok
Today we present a tutorial from my friend Joel over at PaintMyBits. He shall be showing us the steps that he takes to paint and weather his bases. Please keep in mind that these tutorials are intended to be easy access for all painters and they are not pro tips, so have a go!. Over to him: ...

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Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight Shepherd Unit Review

11:00 / BY Unknown
Another week and another article (this is turning into a habit) covering another member of the Legion of Everblight.  This week I'm looking at my favourite 1 point solo, no list seems right without, the Blighted Nyss Shepherd. ...

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WIP - Batch Painting Horus Heresy Blood Angels

12:00 / BY Martok
I am trying to get this batch of Blood Angels done and dusted before starting to throw paint on the Minotaurs. I have all the airbrush stages done now with a satin varnish on to protect it. Next up I shall block out the non red areas then base coats for metallics etc and finally start the oil washes. ...

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Announcement - Horus Heresy - Betrayal Campaign Day 27th April 2014

12:00 / BY Martok
We are please to announce that BLOODYdice in association with Promethean Games (FLGS lcoated in Bracknell, Berkshire, UK) will be hosting our first event on April 27th. A campaign day based on the events described in Forge World's Horus Heresy Book 1: Betrayal. Full rules, sign up details and all requirements are available to read here in the events pack. We are quite excited about this...

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Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight Spell Martyr Unit Review

11:00 / BY Unknown
I'm back again for another installment in the review series, continuing the Legion of Everblight theme (surprise surprise) and this week I've decided to look at another solo, a solo I find very useful and can be a great option to surprise your opponent, the Spell Martyr. ...

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WIP - Minotaur Centurions

11:00 / BY Martok
I finally cracked open the Centurion box to build the unit for my Minotaur army. It appears the kit was designed to fit specific poses very well but this does not lead to easy reposing. ...

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News - Bristol Vanguard announce Vanquish 2014

11:00 / BY Martok
Last year myself and a number of friends from Promethean Games went to Bristol to join the Vanguard clubs annual Vanquish tournament. We had such an awesome time playing on their beautifully made tables that we were itching for them to announce Vanquish 2014. Finally, they have released the rules pack that can be seen here. ...

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Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight Warmonger War Chief unit review

11:00 / BY Unknown
Its already week 2 of the new year (I'm still trying to work out what happened to Christmas) and I'm keeping pace with the series (Martok can be a bit scary at times, for a Princess(I am both beautiful and wrathful this is true), this week, to follow on from last week I'm looking at the Warmonger War Chief. This is a solo...

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WIP - Minotaur Terminators

11:00 / BY Martok
The unit is finally ready for paint. The hammers and shields will be finished alongside all the other weapons in the army (bolters etc) at a later date. ...

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Happy 2014 From BloodyDice!

01:12 / BY Dangermouse425
A belated Happy New Year from all of us at BloodyDice! 2014 looks to be an exciting one, with Tyranids just around the corner and then goodness knows what else, it sure sounds like it'll be a great year for hobbyists.  I for one am looking forward to getting a few of my current projects done and (naturally) starting a few new ones....

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Warmahordes Legion of Everblight Blighted Ogrun Warmongers unit review

12:00 / BY Unknown
Hey guys, I'm back.  It's a new year and time to make sure that the momentum isn't lost, so I'm going to jump straight into continuing the Legion of Everblight unit reviews. We're going to start the year with a unit that is one of the most dominating on the tabletop, Blighted Ogrun Warmongers. ...

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