After last weeks Tutorial which covered the application of decal transfers Joel from PaintMyBits has provided another Tutorial for us taking a closer look at how to make your models look gritty and also how to hide some issues caused during painting or even the decal stage. Joel explains all after the jump. ...
Warmahordes - Unit Review Legion of Everblight Legionnaires
12:00 / BY Unknown
I'm back after a well deserved rest for number 12 in the unit reviews, this time I'm going to be looking at a unit that I haven't used much in the past, the Blighted Nyss Legionnaires. ...
With the Word Bearers reinforced I have turned my attention back to the Minotaurs. I have actually finished the brush work on the Tactical/Sternguard squads now which leaves the Centurions, Terminators and Characters before moving on to painting the weapons for everyone. ...
An often unused and misunderstood hobby skill is the use of decals. We get decal transfers with every box of 40k but unlike military scale modelers many in our hobby find these quite fiddly to work with. With few steps and the right tools these transfer sheets can add a wealth of detail saving a great deal of time that would be necessary...
Tutorial - Digicam Stencils
12:00 / BY Dangermouse425
Here is a tutorial for anyone wishing to use digicam stencils on vehicles. The stencils I used were from Critical Mass Wargames. After following the tutorial after the jump, your model should look something like this. ...
Chaos Lord on JuggernautDark Apostle on JuggernautObliteratorsObliterators Sorcerer ConversionWord Bearers
Painting - Word Bearer Reinforcements
12:00 / BY Martok
Although I did not complete this batch of models over the weekend as planned I have at least got them up to a playable standard now. I may come back to these guys and add highlights/oil washes/weathering when time permits. Right now I am just looking forward to seeing them on the board. ...
A small update today showing off the basing work for the few Word Bearers I need to finish for this weekends Vanquish Skirmish tournament at Bristol Vanguard Wargaming. This were thrown together with some pumice and then various scatter using brass etch, rocks, skulls etc. ...
Kitbash - Another Inquisitor and Servitors
12:00 / BY Dangermouse425
I just couldn't help myself. First it was just Coteaz and a small crew of three Servitors with Multi-Meltas. Then I found a few more GW Flagellant bodies... Then a few Plasma Cannons... Suddenly, before I know it, I've got another three Servitors and they're in need of another Inqusitor! Digging through one of my many boxes of models, bits and assorted hobby...
Kitbash - Dark Apostle and Chaos Lord on Juggernauts
12:00 / BY Martok
As discussed in my last post regarding the Minotaurs painting progress, I need to create a Dark Apostle and Chaos Lord for my Word Bearer army as I shall be using the force for a few upcoming tournaments. Also it might be a possibility that the Minotaurs will take longer than hoped so this force will also be a back up for Bristol Vanguard's...
Much the same as with the last combat squad. Building up the highlights and a few more washes. Then detailing like script on purity seals etc. Hopefully this squad will be complete by the end of the week. Then I shall decide whether to do the guns/heads/bases or to move on and do another squad.. we shall see. Either way I need to...
Warmahordes - Legion of Everblight Beast Mistress Unit Review
12:00 / BY Unknown
I'm back, after a week off and a bit of a delay I have returned (and I couldn't take any more beatings from Martok) with the next installment in the unit review series. This week we are looking at one of the most interesting releases in the Gargantuans book, the Beast Mistress. ...
Kitbash - Coteaz and Servitors
12:24 / BY Dangermouse425
Having had my precious Sternguard utterly ravaged by Coteaz, when playing a friend last week, due to his "I've Been Expecting You" rule I decided (once I had overcome my rage) to join the cheesy beard club and make my own Coteaz and crew for an Inquisitorial detachment. Finding the metal Coteaz model I had tucked away was one thing, but it was...
I have made some good progress with the first five Sternguard. All colours have been painted now but more processes to come. First some decals then onto oil washes and finally weathering. ...
I am still marching on with this project. I have now blocked out all the other colours on the first five Sternguard. In a video by Les Bursley about painting red he advises that you use pinks to highlight reds. I have always been unsure with reds as I do not like the finish orange highlights give but pink just feels wrong. Having...
AngelusArmy listBattle ReportBelphagorBethayneHordesLegion of EverblightSolounitWarmachineWarmahordes
Legion of Everblight - Bethayne learning curve 2
11:00 / BY Unknown
I'm back with a shorter piece today to give you guys a run down on the games I have been playing with Bethyne. ...
While working on the Minotaurs I put a base coat down on a friends Sanguinary Guard. These were 2 light shades of Gold with a bit of Silver mixed for the zenithal highlight. The models were then varnished and given a Agrax Earthshade wash. ...