Another Mordheim Terrain update in our Mordheim Board and Terrain series. Part 1: Part 2: In today's post we'll take a look at the almost-fully constructed 4'x4' board, as well as some extra sections we've created to add variety to the games. Here's the board with almost all of the tiles complete, including one of the bridge crossings. We'll have another bridge made...
I posted about our intent to make a Mordheim board for an upcoming campaign in a recent post last week. See here for the first post in the series: Our board is made up from Hirst Arts moulds, you can see what they look like whilst being cast above. These moulds are designed to be used with plaster, and we're using Crystacal...
Well, it's been a while since we've posted. Work still continues to keep me away from my hobby desk and Martok has been busy painting his Minotaurs, playing in a tournament and now taking a well deserved rest. (Undoubtedly hatching more mad-cap schemes during his rest though!) More after the jump. ...